Latest Past Events

Parents Evening

Letters have been sent home with times for your childs telephone parents consultation

Easter Service

St Mary's Church Broadwater Lane, Aston

9.30 am St Marys Church Parents/carers are welcome to go to St Marys Church for Coffee after dropping the children off and before the service.

Easter Egg Decorating/ Egg rolling competition

The children need to decorate a HARD BOILED EGG at home and bring it into school with them on Friday morning and these will be judged in their classes.  This is then followed by the egg rolling competition where the children roll their decorated eggs down a slope in the playground to see whose goes […]

Aston Got Talent

6pm Heath Mount school Performance Arts Centre

PTFA Mothers Day Gift Sale-TBC

A lovely selection of presents for £3.  Money must be sent to the school office in a marked envelope with your child's name by Monday 25th March.  (Money received after this date does not guarantee a gift).

Mothering Service

9.30 am St Mary's Church Parents/carers are welcome to go to church for coffee after dropping the children off and before the service.  

Parents Evening

Classroom from 3.30pm to 7.20pm Detail to follow

Parents Evening

Classroom from 3.30pm to 5:50pm Details to follow

Danes Class Trip

London Natural History Museum Leaves School at 9.00am, arrive back at school at approx 4.30pm depending on traffic. School uniform to be worn.  Packed lunch required - no chocolate or fizzy drinks.

Christmas Fayre

School Hall from 12-3pm details to follow

Decoration Day

Children may wear a Christmas Jumper with their uniform.

Non Uniform Day

Non uniform day for a donation of a chocolate for the Xmas Fayre.

Haffydown Class Trip

West Stow Anglo Saxon Village Children need to be in scholl by 8.30am for early registration.  School uniform to be worn.  Packed lunch required no fizzy drinks or chocolate.

Non Uniform day

Non-uniform day for a donation of a "bottle of something" for the xmas fayre.

Parents Evening

Classroom from 3.20pm to 8:50pm Details to follow

Marriotts Open Evening

Head talks at 6:15pm, 7pm and 7:45pm.  Please see the school own website.

Harvest Festival at Church

9:30am  St Marys Church Parents/carers are welcome to go to church for coffee after dropping the children off and before the service.

Fun Quiz Night

School Hall The cost is £6.oo per adult, with the teams being of 6-8 people.  Tables can be booked on We do hope you can join us as previously it has provided good entertainment for all! Times TBC

Danes Class Duxford Visit

Duxford IWM Duxford, Cambridgeshire

Duxford Museum School uniform to be worn. Packed Lunch required no fizzy drinks or chocolate. £5.00 pocket money can be taken child's responsibility.

Leavers Service

9.30am Aston St Mary's Church Parents/Carers are welcome to go to St Mary,s Church for coffee after dropping the children off and before the service.

Summer Concert

6pm School Hall Information about tickets to follow Please park in the Village hall carpark.  

Summer Concert

1.30pm School Hall 6pm School Hall Information about tickets to follow.  Please park in the village carpark  

Change over day

Where children visit their new class/school

Yr 6 Cycling Course begins

Aston St Mary's School School Lane, Aston, Nr Stevenage, Hertfordshire

School Playground - All week except Thursday 11th

Aston Village Fete

Aston St Mary's School School Lane, Aston, Nr Stevenage, Hertfordshire

If you are able to help run a stall, set up or clear away, then please contact Terry Reed, Sarah Cooper, or the School Office.  All help is gratefully appreciated.

Danes Class Visit

wicksteed Park Barton Road

Wicksteed Park The children will be leaving at 9am and we intend to be back by approximately 5.30pm traffic dependant. A fully disposable packed lunch will be required (no fizzy drinks or chocolate) for the day together with a suitable waterproof jacket in case of adverse weather.

Box Office -3:15pm

School Hall Any remaining tickets will be available from the box office today. Limited to 2 additional tickets per family. PLEASE ENSURE YOU COLLECT YOUR CHILD BEFORE JOINING THE QUEUE, if you are asking someone else to pick your child up please make sure the school knows before 3pm that day.

Box Office -3.15pm

School Hall Tickets are limited to 2 tickets per Family.  PLEASE ENSURE YOU COLLECT YOUR CHILD BEFORE JOINING THE QUEUE, if you are asking someone else to pick your child up please make sure the school knows before 3pm that day.

Box Office- Opens 3:15pm

School Hall Tickets are limited to 2 tickets per Family.  PLEASE ENSURE YOU COLLECT YOUR CHILD BEFORE JOINING THE QUEUE, if you are asking someone else to pick your child up please make sure the school knows before 3pm that day.

Happy Bag Collection

Collection will be at 9am Please do not leave any bags under the shelter after this collection until after the summer holidays.

Music Quiz Night

Adults only teams of up to eight players.  £6 per person to reserve a table contact Terry at

Peartree and Orchard Class Visit

hipkins beach

Hipkins Beach We will be leaving school at 8.50am and arriving back at school for normal collection.  A packed Lunch in a disposable nag will be required (no fizzy drink or chocolate) for the day together with a suitable waterproof jacket in case of adverse weather.  We suggest that your child wears a long sleeved […]

Whole School Sports Day

Aston St Mary's School School Lane, Aston, Nr Stevenage, Hertfordshire

All Parents and families are welcome to come and support.  PTFA to provide refreshments on the day .  Cake donations required.  Please bring along any donations on  Thursday 20th June