A Visit to Duxford Imperial War Museum 25.09.24

Puddlebridge and Danes classes had a wonderful day at Duxford Imperial War Museum.  The visit supported our learning about World War Two and The Battle of Britain. We started our day by visiting the Battle of Britain hangar where we saw some of the British and German planes as well as experiencing what it would have been like inside an Anderson shelter. Next, we visited the Operations Room which was the nerve centre of Duxford’s Battle of Britain. From here, the men and women who worked on the ground directed the station’s pilots into combat. Later, we visited the Land Warfare exhibition where we were able to wander through themed landscapes to discover how fighting on the land has changed from the First World War through to modern conflicts. We also enjoyed the American Air Museum where we saw the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress which was used during the Second World War. It was wonderful to receive feedback from some of the Duxford volunteers about our children – they were commended for their engagement, their knowledge and their excellent behaviour. Aston children really do shine!