This half term, Haffydown Class has been exploring Hinduism, with a special focus on the festival of Diwali. We’ve enjoyed learning about the significance of Diwali, including the famous story of Rama and Sita. This story highlights the victory of good over evil and the importance of light conquering darkness, which is why Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights.
As part of our learning, we explored the various traditions associated with Diwali, such as decorating homes with rangoli patterns. Everyone had fun creating their own colourful designs!
In addition, we discovered more about Hindu worship, focusing on the puja tray and its significance in religious rituals. In class, we had the chance to light incense, prepare our own puja tray, and experience some of the key elements of Hindu worship. The sound of the puja bell created a calm and reflective atmosphere, and we all loved the soothing scent of the incense!
It’s been a wonderful journey of discovery, and we’re excited to continue learning more!