Danes class have made a fantastic start to the new school year. It is so lovely to have everyone back in school after such a long time! All the hard work that the children put into their home learning whilst school was closed has clearly made a huge difference; they have returned to school ready to learn and able to engage with all the exciting new learning which we have planned for the term.
Our historical focus this term is the Ancient Egyptians; this will also include some geographical themes as we develop our mapping skills and learn about the country. In science, we are learning about forces. Later this half term, we will complete a DT project which links these areas of learning as we will design and make an Egyptian shaduf.
We began our learning in English by enjoying the picture book ‘Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx’. We have now moved on to our class read-aloud text ‘Pig Heart Boy’; this is prompting lots of discussion about the pros and cons of xenotransplantation and has enabled us to produce some persuasive writing. Next, we will be having a class debate then writing a discussion.
In maths, our focus so far has been on developing our understanding of place value – including very large number and decimals to three decimal places. We have played some fun games and are also working hard on Times Tables Rock Stars.