PSHE is an integral and important part of our curriculum at Aston St. Mary’s School. Our aim is to provide a programme of learning through which the children can acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to manage their lives now and in the future. It enables them to develop their unique character and the qualities and attributes needed to thrive as individuals and members of their families, school and society.
Pupils are given opportunities to:
• develop independence, confidence and self-worth. As a school we aim for every child to appreciate their uniqueness and value as an individual and the important role they each play within the life of the school and the wider world;
• be treated as the special and exceptional person that they are;
• value and respect belongings / living things / the environment; and an appreciation of the awe and wonder of God’s world. This is set against the Christian ethos and values within our church school;
• be able to share in worship;
• feel supported through difficult situations both in school and in their personal lives. All members of staff will try to equip children with the skills needed to deal with life’s challenges seeking outside support where necessary;
• enjoy positive relationships with peers, having respect for children who may be different to themselves but showing willingness to work and collaborate with all children regardless of race, ability, gender or social background;
• develop their understanding of a healthy, safer lifestyle and use this knowledge to make informed decisions and choices in the present and in the future;
• become a responsible citizen who knows they can make a difference to others around them and further afield through fund raising and work within the local community.
• develop their own values, attitudes and opinions;
• safeguard and care for themselves and others
• develop resilience to cope with life’s ups and downs
These aims are consistent with the school values. For the pupils in the Foundation Stage, the school will implement the guidelines for Personal, Social and Emotional Development as set out in the Foundation Stage Curriculum Guidance. At Key Stages 1 and 2, the school follows the PSHE Association Programme of Study. This is organised into three core themes:
• Health and Wellbeing
• Relationships (including Sex and Relationships Education)
• Living in the Wider World – Economic wellbeing and being a responsible citizen
Each of these core themes is visited twice a year on a half-termly basis. All classes focus on the same core theme in any given half term block.
Evidence of children’s learning is collected in class portfolios but, more importantly, is evident in the children themselves. We are very proud of our young Aston citizens; in their time at our school, they develop confidence, independence and generally make choices which benefit both themselves and their community. They leave our school ready to take on the challenges which life presents and ambition to achieve their personal goals.
Document Name | Files |
Example of Progression in PSHE - Relationships | Download File |
PSHE Overview | Download File |