

Hi, welcome to our class page!

Puddlebridge is a mixed-age class of Year 4 and Year 5 pupils. Our class teacher is Miss Pear and we are lucky to have Miss Heritage, Ms Maddock and Mrs Brazier helping us in class throughout the week. We are delighted to have Mrs Evans teaching us RE, French and Music, with Mrs Minnis teaching us Recorder.

In Puddlebridge class, we love learning and understand the importance of having a growth mindset; we know we can achieve anything with hard work and the right strategies.

Please have a look around our class page to find out what we have been getting up to.


Document NameFiles
Year 4 and 5 Homework Projects - Spring Term 1Download File
Puddlebridge Class Newsletter - Spring TermDownload File
History Homework Projects - Autumn Term 1Download File
Puddlebridge Long Term Plan 2024-2025Download File
Puddlebridge Class Newsletter - Autumn TermDownload File
Year 4 and 5 Homework Projects - Summer 1Download File
Puddlebridge Class Newsletter Summer 2024Download File
Year 4 and 5 Homework Projects - Spring 2Download File
Puddlebridge Class Newsletter Spring 2024Download File
Year 4 and 5 Homework Projects - November 2023Download File
Year 4 and 5 Homework Projects - Autumn 1Download File
Puddlebridge Class Newsletter Autumn 2023-24Download File
Puddlebridge Long Term Plan 2023-2024Download File


Click on each of the images below to find out what we have been learning about in class!